In order to have a consistent style of writing, we defined the following guidelines. These guidelines apply to all documents related to the redbackup project.
Keep it brief, clear and objective
Write short and straightforward sentences
Do not use synonyms for concepts etc. (always use the same wording, e.g. 'client' or 'node')
Abbreviations must be introduced the first time they occur in the text (except well-known ones)
Prevent ambiguity in sentences
Use personal style ("we") whenever appropriate; usually for the description of our work.
When a gender-specific pronoun is required, use "he/she".
Use present tense except for the description of (our) completed work.
Definition of Done
To maintain our high quality needs, we determined following definition of done guidelines:
All functionality conforms to the specification. Any deviations must be discussed and decided by the team.
A review is performed and accepted in a pull request.
The source code is reasonably documented.
No code is commented out.
No warnings and errors by the compiler or any other quality tool.
Reasonable unit and integration tests exist and pass.
All documentations are up to date including the project website.
The complete continuous integration pipeline works.
The code is formatted according to the guidlines (i.e. according to RustFmt)
The corresponding branch is merged into the stable branch (e.g. master).