What kind of JIRA-Reports (Timerecords) must we provide?
Date and time for next meeting
Presentation of the first implementation drafts
Discussions / Decisions
Updates concerning the revised project plan
The plan looks good
Not everything is expected in the described quality.
MeF noted the following issues:
MeF is not superior in the project but an advisor
The budget for supervision meetings is too high (we might switch to bi-weekly meetings in the second half of the semester)
Risk Management is fine with one exception: The risk concerning the technical concept is incorrect or incomplete (similar to "Missing Architecture Aspects")
Use \LaTex instead of LaTex
Include a graphic describing the mentioned GitHub-Flow (e.g. a State Diagram)
What kind of JIRA-Reports (Timerecords) must we provide?
We created a guest account (as described in the wiki)
We also added links to personal time logs on the overview site
This is sufficient for MeF.
Date and time for next meeting
10.10.2017, 17:00-17:40, Room 1.167.
Presentation of the first implementation drafts
Despite the problem statement, we had a different views on how the data is distributed and replicated.
The described concept is too complex for a reliable backup system and too ambitious for a study project.
In order to find a simpler architecture, the assumptions and requirements must be stated more explicitly (e.g. "Node A must be able to ...", "The client is responsible for ...")
Sketches and bullet points are sufficient for now
The high-level architecture is fine, but the distribution component must be simplified
Open issues
open issues must be completed before the next meeting