Meeting Minutes
11:00 - 11:45
Minute taker
- Fabian Hauser, fhauser
- Raphael Zimmermann, rzimmerm
- Prof. Dr. Farhad Mehta, MeF
- Present the final prototype version
- Discuss abstract
- Sign the task description
- Discuss license of the documentation
- Questions regarding final submission
Discussion / Decisions
- Present the final prototype version
- We skipped this agenda item because we showed a demo of the backup and restore on 27.11.2017.
- We will show a full demo including replication on the study project review.
- Discuss abstract
- MeF remarked the follwing:
- Invest more time because this is the part that is read the most
- Rewrite the first sentence: do not mention the prototype and focus on the problem that we solve.
- Too many commas
- The structure of the abstract is good
- Do not add more information
- We can reuse the finalized abstract for the poster
- We will send the revised abstract to MeF via E-Mail. Only after he approved the final version will we upload it to the abstract tool.
- Sign the task description
- Discuss license of the documentation
- AGPL and the GNU FDL are fine
- We will additionally sign the "Vereinbarung ΓΌber Urheber- und Nutzungsrechte"
- Questions regarding final submission
- Only one copy required
- Spiral binding
- CD with all data
- Deadline is 21. December 17:00
- If MeF is not at his office, the document is submitted in his mailbox in HSR Campus Building 4.
- Everything that is on the CD will additionaly be sent to MeF via E-Mail
Open issues
no open issues
Upcoming absences
no upcoming absences
Next Meeting
- We will discuss the study project on 08.01.2018 at 16:15 at MeFs office.