Meeting Minutes

16:00 - 17:30
Minute taker



  1. Review: First impression of Rust
  2. Discuss the result of our morphological box
  3. Discuss revised concept and requirements
    • Do the newly added diagramms help?
    • Are the scenarios coherent?
  4. Date and time for next meeting

Discussion / Decisions

  1. Rust is fixed as the programming language for the study project.
  2. MeF agrees with the chosen criteria and will review it when we send him the revised documents.
  3. MeF had not had the time yet to review it but will do it when the message section is finalised as well.
    • The general impression of MeF is good.
    • MeF brought up some minor issues in the diagrams:
      • Overview Figure: Draw multiple boxes for the nodes and set the arrow to the other nodes.
      • Domain Models: Remove + signs and "diamonds"
    • We are now done with the elaboration and can start in the next sprints with the actual implementation.
  4. The next meeting takes place on 19.11.2017 at 08:15 at MeFs office.
    • The date might change depending on MeFs schedule.
    • MeF will notify us if the date changes.

Open Issues

open issues must be completed before the next meeting

Upcoming Absences

Next Meeting