Meeting Minutes

15:30 - 16:30
Minute taker



  1. Review revised documents
  2. Presentation of the minimal prototype
  3. Bachelor Thesis
  4. Date and time for next meeting

Discussion / Decisions

  1. Review revised documents
    • We thank MeF for the review!
    • General feedback from MeF:
      • Seems fine
      • The specification is too long and must be must be more concise. The chord paper for example is not that long but describes a very complex system.
      • We will write a more concise description of the system in the final submission document and keep the appendix as.
    • Requirements
      • Additionally to the intentions, write down the most important requirements (concise, 10-15 items).
    • What do the annotations in Figure 1 and 3 mean?
      • It was unclear at the time of ready, that "storage" is a component itself and not a medium.
      • We will clarify this when we write the concise system description in the final submission document.
  2. Presentation of the minimal prototype
    • The prototype seems fine so far.
    • We discussed the used frameworks Diesel and Tokio.
  3. Bachelor Thesis
    • For MeF, the product of the thesis must be "in use" for a 6.
    • redbackup is an option, if..
      • it is a working open source project (with downloads!)
      • we find an industry partner, that uses it.
    • MeFs project ideas:
      • Low energy devices (power can turn off at every moment)
      • A "map" of a Git repository for real insights (who contributed which code, filter, hot spots, ...)
      • Lambda calculus interpreter: Requires a really good user interface
      • DAB+ monitoring (lots of signal processing)
      • Light measurement with drones
      • "Dance platform" for the elderly
        • Lots of OCAML code
        • Improve tooling and code
          • testing, documentation generation and much more
    • We will discuss how to proceed on our next meeting.
  4. Date and time for next meeting
    • The next meeting takes place on 21.11.2017 at 10:10 at MeFs office

Open issues

open issues must be completed before the next meeting

Upcoming absences

no upcoming absences

Next Meeting