Meeting Minutes
10:00 - 11:45
Minute taker
- Fabian Hauser, fhauser
- Raphael Zimmermann, rzimmerm
- Prof. Dr. Farhad Mehta, MeF
- Presentation of the minimal prototype
- Discussion of the final submission document
- Bachelor Thesis
- Date and time for next meeting
Discussion / Decisions
- Presentation of the minimal prototype
- Sadly, the demo did not work yet due to a IO-Bug
- The demo will be made good on our next Meeting
- A complete Presentation (max. 20 minutes) including a Demo of the SA will be carried out in the last week in as part of the regular meeting.
- Discussion of the final submission document
- What is the difference between the abstract and the management summary?
- Management summary can have subtitles and is more extensive than the abstract
- the abstract has no subtitles
- How is the revised structure?
- The backgrund chapter can be left out if its contents are part of the introduction
- Otherwise, the structure looks good to MeF.
- Bachelor Thesis
- Discussion of what we should do as BA.
- We will meet MeF by no later than Monday (27.11.2017) with our final decision on what to do:
- Project at Dividat (OCaml)
- "Schleifmaschienen" Project from ETH
- Learning tools for the Lambda Calculus and related problems
- Project with another Advisor.
- MeF is in the Room 1.267 from 10:10 - 11:50 as well as from 13:10 - 16:50
- Date and time for next meeting
- We forgot to fix the date for our next meeting. We will fix another date when meeting with MeF as part of the BA discussion.
Open issues
no open issues
Upcoming absences
no upcoming absences
Next Meeting